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Panjab University DSW calls meeting over unhygienic hostel kitchen

A day after students discovered animal bones in an uncovered water tank on the terrace of Panjab University’s Arts Block 1 building, a video of an unhygienic kitchen at a varsity hostel also surfaced on social media.
Taking note of the issue, dean of student welfare (DSW) called a meeting of all hostel wardens on Monday with detailed reports.
The video, whose authenticity could not be immediately verified, revealed flies, worms and insects crawling over vegetables and dishes in a PU hostel kitchen, with rotten vegetables and smoked cigarette butts lying on the ground, and an unsanitary refrigerator adding to the grim scene. However, the hostel’s identity remains unclear.
DSW Amit Chauhan said, “We have taken note. We are verifying the hostel where the kitchen is located, but we have called a meeting of all hostel wardens on Monday.”
“Our dietician also suggested some points regarding hygiene to wardens in a report a few days ago. We will also check the status of action taken in that regard,” he added.
